Fredrik Edman
Patent advisor
Digital Hardware Aspects of Multiantenna Algorithms
Summary, in English
The first part of the thesis deals with the implementation of complex valued division. Two architectures implementing a numerically robust algorithm for computing complex valued division with standard arithmetic units are presented. The first architecture is based on a parallel computation scheme offering high throughput rate and low latency, while the second architecture is based on a resource conservative time-multiplexed computation scheme offering good throughput rate. The two implementations are compared to an implementation of a CORDIC based complex valued division.
The second part of the thesis discusses implementation aspects of fundamental matrix operations found in many multiantenna algorithms. Four matrix operations were implemented; triangular matrix inversion, QR-decomposition, matrix inversion, and singular value decomposition. Matrix operations are usually implemented using large arrays of processors, which are difficult to scale and consume a lot of resources. In this thesis a method based on the data flow was applied to map the algorithms to scalable linear arrays. An even more resource conservative design based on a single processing element was also derived. All the architectures are capable of handling complex valued data necessary for the implementation of communication algorithms.
In the third part of the thesis, developed building blocks are used to implement the Capon beamformer algorithm. Two architectures are presented; the first architecture is based on a linear data flow, while the second architecture utilizes the single processing element architecture. The Capon beamformer implementation is going to be used in a channel sounder to determine the direction-of-arrival of impinging signals. Therefore it was important to derive and implement flexible and scalable architectures to be able to adapt to different measuring scenarios. The linear flow architecture was implemented and tested with measured data from the channel sounder. By analyzing each block in the design, a minimum wordlength design could be derived.
The fourth part of the thesis presents a design methodology for hardware implementation on FPGA.
- Department of Electrical and Information Technology
Publishing year
Document type
Department of Electroscience, Lund University
- Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
- Beamforming
- Implementation
- Hardware
- Matrix
- Inversion
- QR-decomposition
- Capon
- Signal processing
- Signalbehandling
- Electronics
- Elektronik och elektroteknik
- Elektronik
- Telecommunication engineering
- Telekommunikationsteknik
- Electronics and Electrical technology
- Viktor Öwall
Defence date
17 February 2006
Defence time
Defence place
Room E:1406, E-building, Ole Römers väg 3, Lund Institute of Technology
- Peter Koch (Associate Professor)