SAGA Diagnostics
SAGA Diagnostics AB is a cancer diagnostics and disease monitoring company with focus on companion diagnostics for tissue biopsies and “liquid biopsies” such as blood samples. The company offers laboratory services to the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, and academia.
The methods used by SAGA Diagnostics allow detection and analysis of circulating tumor DNA in the bloodstream and other “liquid biopsies” with exceptional sensitivity. A regular blood sample reveals not only the presence of cancer but also the quantity of tumor-specific gene mutations that can help guide therapy and detect metastatic cancer earlier.
Dr Lao Saal and Anthony George founded SAGA Diagnostics based on on leading research from Department of Clinical Sciences at Lund University.
SAGA Diagnostics
Founded by Lao Saal and Anthony George.
Portfolio company since 2016.
Portfolio Manager LU Holding:
christine [dot] widstrand [at] innovation [dot] lu [dot] se (Christine Widstrand), phone +46 70 928 63 78