Peter Franck
Innovation developer

As an innovation developer, I support researchers in investigating and developing the innovative potential of their research, in order to try to make use of research results in society. I have extra focus on technology that can contribute to sustainable development and the green transition. Partly because I work to include sustainability aspects in more projects at LU Innovation through our strategic sustainability analysis, but also through the work in Lund University's Sustainability Fund where I am responsible for the call for Sustainable Idea Exploration.
Before LU innovation, I worked at the Swedish Energy Agency financing innovation projects at start-ups that can contribute to the transition to a fossil-free energy system. I also have a background as a patent engineer at the Patent and Registration Agency where I reviewed applications mainly in water treatment, inorganic and industrial chemistry. I'm a civil engineer in chemical engineering with physics with a master's in material chemistry from Chalmers.
Feel free to get in touch if you want to discuss how your idea and research could be utilized as a green innovation.