“We want to do good and we know that we can make a difference”
Working as a psychologist, Katarina Kjell recognised the need to make the diagnosis and follow-up of mental health care easier. As she explored this in her research, it soon became clear – they were on to a good thing.
Along with her colleagues, Katarina formed Ablemind, a company that develops technology to better diagnose and follow up on mental illness among the population. Based on the promising results from their research, they identified a possible way to support clinical work – thereby helping more patients to receive adequate care.
Katarina agrees that it’s been a challenge to reorientate herself and transition from a research project to a business, but the driving force has always been clear to her.
“The thing that has attracted us and prompted our involvement in the company,” she says, “is a genuine desire to do good.”
Straightening the question marks
The innovation centre’s experience and the structured processes that they provide have both been helpful, according to Katarina. She adds that they got help establishing contacts in the early days of the business, as well as support to “straighten out many of the initial question marks.”
“It’s about finding people who have made this journey before and listening to them. By taking advantage of the networks and contacts here, you get help finding the right way forward and understanding the steps you need to take to progress. A good team is also invaluable!”
Being part of two worlds suits Katarina down to the ground. Research provides the opportunity for specialisation and gaining deep knowledge in a specific field. Running a start-up, she adds, calls for a helicopter view and the ability to be an all-rounder.
“Being involved in both parts makes for an exciting dynamic!”
About Ablemind
Developing a new standard for diagnosing mental illness.
Founded by Katarina Kjell, Sverker Sikström and Oscar Kjell.
LU Holding Portfolio company since 2020.
We have a genuine desire to do good and we believe that our company can make a difference.
Katarina Kjell