Interreg project: Science for Society
Science for Society 1 and 2 were Interreg-funded projects with the aim to strengthen the creation of research-based growth, innovation and value in the ØKS region.
Science for Society 1.0
Science for Society 1.0 was a collaboration between Aalborg Universitet, Aarhus Universitet, Lund University, Oslotech and Oslo University, from 2016 to 2018.
The Science for Society project was aimed at solving one of the most important challenges that the Scandinavian countries face today – the challenge of creating growth and long-term prosperity in light of increasing global competition. This can be achieved by knowledge-based innovation and by bringing academic research and knowledge into society through new and innovative solutions to Societies’ major challenges.
The target groups of this project were PhD students and postdocs, who traditionally have been underexposed to entrepreneurial traditions and thinking. This joint project proposal was the first of its kind in the Nordic region, and it is the cooperation between Sweden, Denmark, and Norway that gave PhD-students in Scandinavia the necessary tools and knowledge of entrepreneurship which will enable them to commercialize the results of their research and to work with entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship in society.
Science for Society 2.0
The second project was a continuation, further development, and scaling of the first Science for Society project. Time period was 2019-2021.
Science for Society 2.0 addressed a need in society for greater competitiveness and the creation of knowledge-based and technology-intensive businesses and employment within these fields.
In particular, the main focus was on engaging the Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (SSHA) in creating impact and knowledge exchange with society as well as commercialisation, since there is untapped potential for growth and value creation within these fields.
Partners in Science for Society 2.0 were Aalborg University, Lund University, LU Holding AB, Ideon Innovation and MINC.

Download Toolbox
Tools for researchers and facilitators, developed, tested and utilized in the Science for Society project.
Each tool has a “how to”-guide. You can use the tools in a step-by step-training process or select the ones that you find interesting.
Download the full booklet here (pdf, 2,7 MB)